Google Map

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mapping the STP with photos

As those of you who have followed 80 rpm have noticed, you can now see all the markers on my Google Map where I took photos of the journey.

Not all of these markers showed up during the ride, especially between Centralia and Portland, where the cellular services were limited. My Verizon Blackberry Storm wasn't able to get a strong GPS signal anywhere between Centralia and Portland.

As a result, none of my photos could be geotagged on the fly. Let me know if you had better performance with your carrier or device.

I've gone back after the fact and geotagged the photos now to where I think roughly they were taken. Hope you enjoy them!

Now that I'm back in Seattle, I am resting my slightly sore legs and thinking about what completing my first STP ride means to me. More to come.

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